Episode 01. "Sakura and the mysterious magic book " {back}

Card captured : Fly
Plot : One day Sakura finds an intriguing book in her fathers collection in the basement
Its a very old book that her father ,an archelologist found and never managed to open.
She opens the book and finds a pack of cards and reads the first one:its in english:"WI-ND-Y..Windy" then suddenly a strong wind fills the room and blows all the cards away except for windy still in Sakura's hand.
Then the book which feel begins to glow and a strange yellow winged teddy come out and yells 'Whassssup! Howya doing?!
Sakura thinks it is a toy at first and tries to find the batteries but no:The creatures name is Keroberos ,guardian of the seal if you please and he is NOT a fluffy toy...He looks around for his precious cards and when he realizes they have gone he goes wild...
He blames sakura at first but then he shouldnt of been "snoozing" for the last 50 years...He decides Sakura will be his helper in recapturing the cards and bestows the power of the clow wand on her in a special ceremony..sakura does not know what to say but Kero is very insistant *grin*
Later in the evening they hear a great wind ouside the window and a gigantic white bird flies low over the house:its the Fly
Sakura must capture her first card! And so she ends up on the highway late at night in her pyjama's and her rollerskates (kero did not leave her time to get dressed!) being chased by a huge white bird..she skates up a slope and jumps on the birds back, summons windy using the incantation kero taught her..windy slows down the bird and makes it come back down then Sakura captures her first card...
Sakura is all upset about all this excitement.. and then Kero says..it's well worth it...the cards have wonderful powers..just touch the fly card with the tip of your staff..it turns into a winged staff and Sakura flys away into the night sky over the lights of the town.