Episode 07. "Sakura's first challenge as a Thief? " {back}

Card captured : Silence
Plot : The class go to the museum, there is a little boy who is trying to get to a painting to scrape off what he calls an offense to the painter..he says that the painting has been changed.
Sakura senses a card so they come back in the night...The boy is there too.
Sakura and Kero keep trying to get to the painting but as soon as the make the slightest noise: they are transported back outside.
Eventually they manage to capture the card:the silence (while the boy was out) and the boy explains why he wanted to fix the painting: his father was the painter and the picture was of him...
Huh?But its a girl on the painting?!..the boy removes his cap and reveals her beautiful long hair...Her father did that portrait on their last holiday together before he died.