Episode 22 Sakura and Her Kind Father (by Kira) {back}

Scenes of the Kinomoto house, then we see Fujitaka upset because he overslept. He runs into the kitchen to see that his children have made him breakfast. Poor thing hasn't been getting enough sleep because he's very busy with work. Then there's a cute scene of Sakura giving him the lunch she made. He dashes off to work. Then Toya leaves so Sakura rushes so as not to miss Yuki!!! While driving to work Fujitaka spots a note in his lunch, it's a "love note" from Sakura. Sakura and Tomoyo are in a bookstore. Sakura explains to Tomoyo how hard she and Toya are working at home because their dad is so busy. Then Tomoyo picks up the books she's buying (she's ideas for new battle costumes) and she goes to pay for them. As they are leaving a familiar voice asks for the books put aside for Kinomoto Toya! It's Yuki who walks them home!Then it's night and Fujitaka is still hard at work! Sakura is very worried about him. She talks to Toya and he gives her a snack to bring their dad. She does and Fujitaka is happy. He tells her about his work and how he should be done by Saturday. She leaves him to his work. Sakura and Kero talk and they paln to visit Fujitaka at work and bring him stuff. So the next day she goes there with him and Tomoyo. They have fun looking around and finally find Fujitaka's student assistants. They bring the girls to see Fujitaka teach a class and then take them to his office, where's he's surprised to see them! Some sparkles float by and Fujitaka falls asleep. Sakura and Tomoyo think he's working too hard. Then they leave to go home, but decide to get everyone cofe to wake them up. When they bring it back, Fujitaka is gone so they give it to the girl student who's surprised to see her friends sleeping then more sparkles and she sleeps too. Sakura asks Kero what's wrong and he says it's a Clow card! Then Tomoyo is sent to dreamland by Sleep as Sakura chases it around to seal it. (Sleep looks like a little faerie and is so cute!) Finally Sakura seals it after it puts Kero to sleep too! Happy she's sealed it, she realizes she's on top of a stack of books and falls! It then that she realizes that she was in her dad's office! Not only that but she broke his laptop and destroyed his work! Heartbroken she asks Kero if there's a card that will help because none of the ones she has can fix it. Kero sadly tells her no, there's no card that can fix things! So Fujitaka finds her sitting there crying. He tries to make her feel better but can't. They go home and Fujitaka restores his lost work. Sakura still feels bad and then he gets her to help him which makes her feel a bit better. Finally finished he looks over to dfind her sleeping as it's late at night. Then it's the next day and everyone is up and getting ready for the day. As they get ready to leave for school, Toya hands Sakura her lunch that Fujitaka made. Inside is a "love note" from him! THen we see Fujitaka looking at his lunch in the car. Leave it to Kero is about the summer gym suit.