Sakura Kinomoto


Sakura Kinomoto, also known as Sakura Avalon in the USA and Sakura Gaultier in France.
Her name means cherry blossom

Nadeshiko, her mother, was a softspoken, gentle woman, not very different from Tomoyo. Nadeshiko was a model who married her teacher Fujitaka at the age of 16. She died when Sakura was young but is still very much a part of daily family life: her photo stands on the dining table, her memories permeate the whole house and she sometimes appears as a ghost to watch over her children and her husband.
Fujitaka, her father is a kind, work absorbed archeology professor. He's a good cook and does his best to raise his children on his own.
Touya is the big brother. He teases Sakura and calls her a monster but also secretly protects her by getting jobs wherever she will have to capture a card so that he can watch over her. Touya has magical powers too, he can see and talk to ghosts, including his mother.

Catching Clow cards although at first, her fear was too strong for her to actually enjoy the adventure,
Spending time on the phone with Tomoyo,
Avoiding doing homework,
Hanging out with her friends,
Shopping for cute things, (She is crazy about teddybears)
Making new friends.
Cooking for her family and stuff kero with pancakes
Being a majorette, sport

Very bubbly, outgoing and friendly, optimistic, innocent and trusting.
She has the power to melt even the iciest of hearts with her honesty and true care for people.
She has little self-confidence, is terrified of ghosts and, at first, of the Clow cards but her deep love for her family and friends is her biggest strength and what keeps her going despite the obstacles.
Sakura works hard at school but she really doesn't like maths and tends to be distractable, daydreaming and even falling asleep in class.

Tomoyo is her best friend and the sister she never had. No-one knows her better. Tomoyo supports Sakura in her card capturing activities and in her love life. Over time, Sakura's respect for Tomoyo grows as she learns her friend's fears and strengths and as their friendship is pushed to the limits by danger .Tomoyo is a very important person to Sakura. She gets terribly distressed if Tomoyo has a problem. She would give anything in the world to see her friend happy even though she can't always express it in words.

Kero, who she calls Kero-chan, is her guardian. He pushes her to face her fears and recapture the cards, he believes in her and is very fond of her. Sakura likes to treat Kero to snacks and games. He lives in her drawer, in a miniature bedroom she made for him. They talk about all sorts of things and Sakura looks up to Kero as her guide when it comes to all things magical. They sometimes argue but never for long, the both worry about eachother too much. For a long time, Sakura wondered if she would be able to give Kero the love and care that his old master Clow gave him but had to realize that her love and respect for her guardians may be different but is just as strong.

Meiling is a hard to reach girl but Sakura is determined to make friends. She works to break through Meiling's tight defenses with a lot of tenderness and care and in time she befriends Meiling by showing that she respects and admires her.
Kaho is her maths teacher and maiden at the local shrine. Sakura goes all mushy about her because she sees her as a role model and senses the strong magic in her. Even once Kaho has left town, she continues to write to her. Somehow she always knew that Kaho would be important in helping her through her trials.

Yukito is her brother's best friend, he's been around for as long as she can remember and he's always nice to her. Sakura thinks he is the best thing ever and gets all soppy and feather-headed around him. She truly cares for him and is very worried about losing him. The thought of him is what gives her the strength to overcome the test at the final judgement. When she finally confesses to Yukito, he delicately explains that he feels brotherly love for her and that maybe she had a crush on him because he was a safe guy and felt fatherly to her: he is not the one for her. While she knows that her feelings for him were more than just the love of a sister she understands that he is not her soulmate and that there is someone else for her, that she will love so strongly it will eclipse everything else.

At first Syaoran confuses her, he makes her doubt Kero's choice of her as the potential card mistress and she feels dumb and unqualified to deal with this level of danger, then as time goes by, she is touched by his bravery, his respect for people and the way he takes care of his friends. The more she finds out about the pressures he is under, the more she cares for him and understands why he was grumpy about the cards. Slowly but surely she falls in love with this little wolf of a boy, taming him with her friendship and trust. He becomes essential to her life, as a friend and as an ally. He comforts her when she is heartbroken, reassures and saves her when in danger. She does not realize how much she truly cares until she is faced with the possibily of losing him. Even then she is too shy to say anything out loud.
Her love for him, stronger than anything she has ever known, will one day be the power that allows her to save her friends and the world.

Eriol is the intriguing new student, she feels like they have already met and knows that he has many secrets.
He is charming, gentlemanly and his way of saying cryptic things that come true is very strange and disarming.
While Sakura finds it hard to identify with this newcomer, she feels that he is important and that any advice he may give is definitly worth remembering. By the end of the series, Eriol, in his own strange way, guides Sakura towards her future and helps her grow.