Tsubasa Chronicle Episode Guide

Episodes 07 - 11 {back to episodes}
Country of Koryo: Nayutaya: Chun Hyang and her mother Chen Hyang, the Ryanban Tanbaru and his son Burugaru, mysterious witch (Kishimu), Sorata and Arashi as rebels.
The travellers land in a feudal village ruled cruelly by the Ryanban and his stupid son. They meet the strongwilled little girl Chun Hyang and are attacked by a magical tornado whilst in her house. She explains that the Ryanban has a special power which the friends suspect to be the feather but his castle is unapproachable. The villagers had already tried to rebel but many were sucked into a black void and never returned. Fai and Kurogane start to repair her roof destroyed by the tornado as Chun Hyang leads Sakura and Syaoran to the rebellion head quarters: Sorata and Arashi are responsable for the rebels.
We find out that Chun Hyang's mother had special powers that she used for good and she too was killed by the Ryanban. Chun is determined to avenge her.
Syaoran and Sakura attempt to visit the Ryanban but are sent into an underworld where the evil Ryanban attacks them with fire, stones then monsters but Sakura sees past these monsters' appearances and understands that they are villagers trapped in monstrous bodies inside this dimension. They escape from that world and Sakura is named "the Gods favorite daughter".
The team and the rebels decide on a plan: they get a magical item from Yuuko in exchange for Fai's staff which they will use to bring down the magical barrier around the Ryanban's castle, the rebels will storm the castle whilst Fai, Kurogane and Syaoran enter and attempt to get the feather... Chun Hyang wishes to join in but Sakura strangely asks her to stay with her and do something else more important.
Things go as planned but once inside the castle, our three friends are trapped in a big room with a powerful witch imprisoned under the Ryanban's mind control. She attacks them with acid bubbles that burn the skin. Fai and Kurogane create a diversion for Syaoran to leave the room and he ends up in a one on one fight against the big Ryanban's son who has magically been given extra strength. However Syaoran's will to fight for Sakura is stronger and he defeats the son.
Fai and Kurogane win against the witch who is revealed by the Ryanban to be Chun's biological mother. They shatter the stone on her forehead that bound her to the Ryanban's will and she kisses Kurogane to thank him.
The Ryanban takes control of the rebels and makes them into his zombies who encircle Syaoran. He also conjures up an illusion of Sakura and Chun pleading for their lives. Syaoran realizes that it is fake when Sakura calls him by his first name because he knows that the real Sakura does not have all her memories yet and still calls him by his formal name.
Meanwhile, Sakura starts to glow and leads Chun to the riverbank where she reveals that she is channeling the spirit of Chun's mother. The mother gives Chun a lesson about magic and how it should only be used for people's happiness. She gives her a magic mirror to amplify magic and asks her daughter to not try and bring her back to life then leaves Sakura's body in a final goodbye.
Syaoran is in great danger, he is surrounded by the zombie rebels in the Ryanban's power and they prepare to beat him up... Suddenly, Chun arrives and uses the mirror to release the villagers. The Ryanban is now powerless. Chun and Syaoran decide that he is not worth the time and energy it would take to punish him but the witch appears from behind the Ryanban and grabs him away in a dark magical vortex promising revenge for her enprisonment.
As the friend are going to leave and say their goodbyes, three young men arrive: Nokoru, Suoh and Akira. They are government officials known as Amenosa sent to inspect and remove the Ryanban but they had been kept out of the city by the magical barrier.Mokona thinks they are from a tv series (This creature visibly watched telly in modern japan) and glomps them.
At the end, We are given a glimpse of another world where two dark strangers: Fei Wang Reed and Xing Huo observe the travellers via a magical mirror and make comments about having the power for themselves. There is a body suspended in a ray of light (known as a stasis pod) and Xing Huo tends to it, saying "It will be time soon".