Tsubasa Chronicle Episode Guide

Episodes 13 - 15 {back to episodes}
Jade Country: Princess Emeraude, Dr Kyle Rondart, Mr Grosum
The friends arrive in a new snowy world with pretty alpine looking villages. They are immediately suspected and almost attacked by the locals who's children are dissapearing. They meet the friendly Dr. Kyle and the enigmatic Mr Grosum and hear all about the country's history and legends:
Many years ago, Sakura's feather appeared at the castle and it caused a terrible war as many wanted to have that power for themselves. The princess' parents died during the wars and many children became ill.
The princess took the children to live with her because they were all under a curse caused by the fighting and she had discovered they were did not die in the castle when they were close to the feather. The people of the country assumed that Emeraude kidnapped the children because they never returned in their original form and it became a legend that she would steal children.
Many years later, Dr. Kyle, informed by strangers, found out about the feather and planned to steal it . He hypnotized the children (their innocence would release the feather from the ice crystal). They would see imaginary blackbirds and follow them to the castle on snowy nights (so their tracks would vanish).
The ghost of Emeraude who returned to watch over the children can only be seen by Sakura, she guides her to the castle where she sees the children seemingly walk on water then she is chained up in a cell by Kyle. Sakura releases herself then finds the children and her feather still encased in crystal.
In the meantime Syaoran, Fai and Kurogane have been investigating and trick Dr. Kyle to lead them to the castle. They discover that the water level can be controlled with a movable dam and that there is a secret solid footpath just under the water. Inside the castle, Kyle tries to force Sakura to hand over her feather and threatens to kill her but the others intervene as the dam breaks and water causes the castle to crumble. Emeraude guides Sakura and Syaoran to a secret passageway to escape from Kyle. He runs after them with a knife but the statue of Emeraude falls on him.
The children and reunited with their parents and Emeraude leaves. She can rest in peace now that the children are safe and the feather has been returned to it's rightful owner. The team get ready to go to the next world whilst pondering Emeraude's last words: "Someone has been observing you all along". They leave a final request for Mr Grosum: That princess Emeraude's real story be known.