Tsubasa Chronicle Episode Guide

Episodes 33 to 36 {back to episodes}
Shara Country - Suzuran,leader of the all female circus troupe and their star act Karen, Souseki, leader of an all male clan.
The Past: Shura and Yama Country King Ashura (Female), King Yasha (Male).
The episode starts with Syaoran's recurring dream. He sees himself as a child injured and stumbling down a street then he sees himself as if in a thousand mirrors. We find out that he has no memories from before that day.
When he wakes up Sakura and Mokona are beside him. Fai and Kurogane didn't land in the same place as them when they entered this country but Mokona can feel their presence in this world. A door opens and a load of excited women rush through it to greet our friends and squeal at their cuteness. Suzuran, leader of the "Suzuran troupe" tells them to get to work and that males are illegal here. Karen, the leading actress of the troupe and the women plead with Suzuran to allow Syaoran to stay. The troupe offers hospitality to the travellers: they will join in the troupe activities: circus acts. Syaoran remembers a circus that once came to Clow Kingdom and how Sakura wanted to be a tightrope walker. Sakura remembers the circus too and thanks Syaoran for working so hard to get her feathers back. They marvel at Karen's magical light and fire act.
Suzuran explains that they travel around Shara country but come back to their home town for the special moon season, where the statue of their guardian god Ashura resides. This god gave them the magical fire they use in their circus acts.

Elsewhere, Fai and Kurogane have been searching for the others but they figure that they can't be far away since they can understand eachother (Mokona makes this possible). They are suddenly attacked by a gang of men but Kurogane scares them and they just stare at him. Their clan leader, Souseki, appears and apologises for their behaviour. He runs a beautiful temple and invites the guys to stay there while searching for their companions. They have a meal and Fai tries to learn to use chopsticks, Kurogane is used to them since this country ressembles his own in many ways.

Suzuran takes Sakura and Syaoran to the troupe's shrine where Syaoran goes into crazy archeologist mode around the statue of Ashura. Their god is not considered beautiful by many, it is said to be a god of battle and misfortune but Sakura and Syaoran feel that that can't be true.

On the other side of town, Fai senses a strange magical power, Souseki leads them to their guardian god Yasha's shrine. Yasha is the god of the night and the underworld. The statue cries tears of blood from it's wounded eye because it is the special moon season. Yasha's tears are said to forewarn of the misfortune brought by Ashura but Fai feels there is something else to it.

The next day, the Suzuran troupe throws a party for Sakura and Syaoran who is now disguised as a girl to avoid suspicion.
Outside, a fight breaks out between the female performers and members of the all male clan who want to force them to leave. They feel that their god Yasha's tears signify that Ashura will bring misfortune to their town. Suzuran then Syaoran fight them off, Syaoran's skills get him his own stage act in their show. Sakura is given the opportunity to walk the tightrope too.

Back at the temple, Souseki is scolding the ones who attacked the other troupe and calling for peace while Fai and Kurogane try to figure eachother out. F guesses K has nostalgia for Japan. K noticed that F flinched when the name Ashura came up in conversation.

At night, Sakura and Syaoran go searching for their friends and come across a secret date between Suzuran and Souseki, they have loved eachother for years but cannot be together because their gods are in conflict. Sakura goes to pray to Ashura for the couple to one day find happiness.

On either side of town both shrines begin to shine as if on fire and the earth quakes. Sakura's magic is awoken and she opens a shimmering growing vortex across the sky then passes out. Mokona who was sleeping, opens it's eyes and senses a feather. Fai and Kurogane feel that behind the sky there is the bloodthirst and horror of war. Suzuran prays to the statue of Ashura hoping that it is not a god of misfortune because she won't be able to see the one she loves again, her tears awaken the gods and lightbeams rise from the shrines to the sky. Mokona is unconcious and being attacted towards the moon where it opens a opens a portal to another world, a world where the feather lies, and transports the travellers there. As they travel through the vortex, Sakura has the vision of two lovers embracing.

They wake up in a new world, in the middle of a battlefield. They are found by a beautiful woman: king Ashura, the same Ashura as the statue from the other world. Fai and Kurogane are fighting beside king Yasha and don't appear to have their memories. Our friends are in the middle of a war between the Ashura and Yasha clans.
The moon shines brightly and the scenery around them fades into something new: they were in a battlefield on the floating castle close to the moon and now they are back on the earth in Shura country owned by the Ashura clan.
They retreat until the next night when once again both clans will be whisked away from their home countries to fight in the battle of the castle of the moon.

Sakura, Syaoran and Mokona are invited to Ashura's castle.
At the meal Sakura plays a song for Ashura on a harp like one from her home country and Ashura dances. Mokona feels that the feather must be in the moon castle, floating in the sky.
Next morning, Syaoran and Mokona have breakfast with Ashura while Sakura dreams. Ashura gives Mokona a pretty bottle that is immediatly swallowed and sent to Yuuko.
Ashura explains that outside of the battlefield they have never seen a member of the Yasha clan, they must probably live far away. They have been fighting this war since ages even though the clans have never met on earth. Why? Because legend has it that the castle will grant the wishes of those who conquer it.
Sakura is still asleep when night falls and Syaoran follows the Ashura warriors to the castle of the moon.
Syaoran spots Fai and Kurogane and rides towards them but they don't recognize him and fight him. It must be the friends he knows because Kurogane has the new sword they bought together but they have no memories of him.

Meanwhile, Sakura is dreaming, her body glowing with magic. She sees herself floating above the battlefield, watching Ashura and Yasha fight eachother in a sword duel, Ashura injures Yasha in the eye. She then sees the two kings, man and woman, in Ashura castle, his eye is unhurt, they kiss and Sakura's feather falls from the sky.

The night ends, the battle ends and Sakura awakens, she finds Syaoran who is in a mess from fighting all night, he tells her about Fai and Kurogane who look like their friends but have black eyes.

Cut to Fei Wong Reed's lair where the evil duo are bothered that the travellers have gone to a world that they didn't direct them to. We find out that they've been trying to send them to relativly safe worlds because if they die they won't be able to give them the item buried under the ruins in Clow country. Yuuko has stopped them from controlling the travellers journeys. Fei Wong Reed is a descendant of Clow Reed but Yuuko can also use Clow magic so he plans to defeat her.

Back in Shura country, Syaoran's eye suddenly hurts so Sakura kisses it. Both are shocked but Mokona explains that what the mind can forget, the body still remembers instinctively.
Ashura communicates with Yuuko, the bottle she sent via Mokona was an elixir of eternal youth, her most precious item, hoping that Yuuko could grant her wish. Yuuko was the one who made Mokona transfer the travellers from Shara world to this one, breaking Fei Wong's control of the journey but the price of granting Ashura's wish is too great. Yuuko cannot help her anymore and Ashura must find a way of fulfilling her wish alone.

For this night's battle, Ashura decides to go alone with Syaoran and her right hand man Kumara. Earlier that day, Syaoran had a problem with his eye and strange visions again but he still decides to go. On the battlefield, Yasha too has chosen to come only with Fai and Kurogane.
Syaoran is fighting Kurogane when "the other Syaoran" from Fei Wong Reed's lair possesses him and controls his arms: he throws off Kurogane.
Ashura goes towards Yasha to end the battle once and for all and to fulfill her wish. She kisses Yasha's eye scar and Sakura's feather is released from the ground.

Sakura who was left behind in Ashura country, goes to the area where people can be taken to the moon castle and joins the others. Ashura is alone, the feather floating above her, she explains that Yasha died long ago but the feather created an illusion of him. A long time ago, in battle, she was able to wound Yasha because he was ill. He died and his soul came to her to say goodbye (that was the vision Sakura had dreamed of) but somehow the next day another Yasha, an illusion, was at the castle of the moon and Ashura could not get rid of it no matter how she tried.
Ashura hands the feather to Sakura and Syaoran then claims the castle of the moon to have her wish granted. The castle falls to pieces, her wish for Yasha to be revived from the dead is too great for it to handle.
Fai, Kurogane, Sakura, Syaoran, Mokona and Kumara are returned to Shura country where the Ashura clan are grieving their lost leader while Ashura asks Yuuko to make her and King Yasha the gods of the next generation as proof then even gods can not bring back the dead. She wants to be a god that inspires people to live their lives fully without living in regret forever like she did.

Sakura's feather melts into her and the friends are returned to Shara country. As they leave, Syaoran asks that the two kings and any items belonging to them be buried together.

This time they all land in the same place, outside Souseki's clan temple.
Fai recounts what had happened to Kurogane and himself: they had been sent to Yama country, owned by the Yasha clan. They couldn't understand eachother because Mokona was not there but Kurogane could understand the Yasha dialect. The longer they were in Yama country, the darker their eyes grew. Kurogane chose not to tell Syaoran that they were still themselves so that he would stay serious in battle and not get hurt.
The Suzuran troupe come along and meet Sakura and Syaoran, they don't remember them at all. Same thing for Fai, Kurogane and members of the Souseki clan they knew. The rival clans are now friends and invite the travellers to a wedding party: Souseki and Suzuran have got married. They unveil a new shrine to their gods: Ashura and Yasha's statues are together ... and in front of them, in a small alter, lie Syaoran fake hairbraids and Sakura's hairclip that they forgot in the other world! They understand that Shara country is the future of Shura country and that they have changed the past. They travelled through time not through dimensions. By asking the people in the past to bury the kings together, the statues have always been with eachother and the land of Shara was not divided in two over them.
Mokona brings out the swords belonging to the kings from the statues and sends them Yuuko. It's time for the travellers to move on. As they leave the party for a new world, Fai puts Sakura and Syaoran's hands together so that they won't be parted and grabs them and Kurogane in a tight embrace so that they won't land seperately again. They leave with the image of Yasha and Ashura reunited as gods, happy together.