Chapter 6 – Loss and Renewed Faith

The room was quiet, not only physically speaking, but in a sense that their mission was failed. No, it wasn’t Sakura’s fault; it again was the American miliary that seemed again to won the day. A disaster alright, what was the president going to do, he had allocated much of his recourses to defend the counter attack which took place a day previous, 20,000 refugees on the northern frontier were blow to bits by medium range missiles from a strike force looking for Sakura.

His plan to fake the death of Sakura; which involved a very gruesome task of finding a look-a-like and use her ‘body’ in the crash. Many lives were literately wasted in bringing her here to what? Tell the high command that she couldn’t do it. The Americans would oblivious perform a DNA test on the body, the hope that the body would be burnt too much to use was hopeless. But it was best not to tell Sakura that much about the mission; she would probably not hesitate in killing herself.

“I’m sorry sir, if I had kero, or even the book, maybe I could try another way to activate the cards”

“We don’t have either you klutz!” a General exploded at Sakura “and I’m sure as hell you haven’t tucked in away somewhere for 2 years!!”

“General Chang” the command and chief interrupted,

The general continued his integration anyway; Sakura answered the question, feeling more like the American camp by every second.

“Kero was an animal, not a thing” Sakura defended herself.

“Then I suppose you have an answer to your little dilemma?”

“I don’t know”

“You don’t know, that’s just great, I knew this would happen”

“General Chang!” the commander and chief repeated,

“Commander, Sir! This is exactly why didn’t want it happen, the chance that she wouldn’t be able to perform”

The air chief commanders agreed.

“Sir, its not there fault” Meilin interrupted.

Everyone in the room turned to face her. The general responded furious at his subordinate

“I’ll tell you when to speak, Lieutenant. I vote to have Sakura transferred to the front”

“General Chang, Stop for a second”

“I told you, it was a waste of time” the general mumbled.

General Chang was the only member of the board that didn’t back the entire plan to getting Sakura out of jail, he was also Melin’s real boss, a former commander in the people’s republic army, he had served for many years having seen his country blown to pieces, mainly because Sakura’s magic actually gimballed more in that area. Its was because the country was scanned for months, or in fact that for 2 weeks, the Americans carpet bombed from Beijing to Hong Kong in a massive frontal assault on China.

In was better known as the battle of Hong Kong; the battle took almost a week, but killed almost half a billion people, this was a pivotal deployment for the united states, the first time they would use cards as weapons. The outcome was disastrous, if not meaningless. The purpose was to take Hong Kong intact, but instead left it 20 metres below the water, every building fried into dust, everyone standing on the streets was left with only a siliquae of where they stood when the blast took place,

The battle was a loss and a win, the Americans lost half the navy only because they left their carriers unprotected, and they opened the Chinese air force to blow them to pieces. In return, the Navy aircraft that miraculously managed to survived a failed attempt to use the wind card to push a 200 aircraft 500km in a few seconds. The results left the air wing with about 30% of aircraft, 60 planes. Still they levelled the airbases in china, leaving either side without air support nearby.

This is where general Chang remembers his greatest triumph and yet his biggest painful loss. He warranted the realise of a low yield nuclear missile on Hong Kong itself, its population were either dead or managed to escape by the transport helicopters, this had been the greatest rush out of town, but the main task his superiors ordered him to do was recover all the members of the li family in there home on the hills above the city. Purposely, this at time was the only real reason why the Americans wanted to land in Hong Kong, and they almost did.

But what was frustrating what he had to reserve about 4 helicopters to pick up the Li family, and put 2 on each, but a non-magical one would be left off, the transport helicopter could transport 30 people, tightly, but it could. That meant for 8 people to live, 200 or so people had to die. He thought that was totally unacceptable. In the end it was worthless; all 8 were shot down, with the li family in them. He stayed as close to the front as possible, he believed that he should stay and fight, inspire the men to push the Americans off the island.

In the end, when he could see M-1 tanks rolling down the street to ordered a full retreat, thought the sewer, and initiated plan B; B for bomb. The plan was to blow up the central district with heavy non nuclear, but General Chang ordered for a little more fire power, and contacted a single device to level the 50,000 troops and the thousand odd tanks already on the island and making their way to the mainland. The effect worked very well, it sank the flagship of the landing party; the USS America, along with the vice president. Along with almost 100,000 conscript troops in the United States army.

History writers mark this first and last major victory in the war in pacific campaign of the war.

“Sakura, if I give you time, would you be able to figure out an option to activating the cards without a staff?”

“Its quite possible sir”

“Then begin work, you are not to sleep until you have an idea on how to activate the cards” the commander in the meantime turned to his other officers “In the meantime, let’s keep this situation inside this room, dismissed”
Location: General Chang’s office, camp SPARTAN
Time: 20:00

The general had enough insults about his performance. He kept on sitting in his office re-thinking strategies in the battle of Hong Kong and Beijing, battle of Taiwan, the insertion of troops in India in the battle of orient; his most battle before being promoted to a staff general.

Today though wasn’t his finest days, he preferred to be shooting the enemy on the frontlines in Norway the deal with this. But from her own people? Only one way to find out, he had Meilin report to him. Melin was tired, having flown for 12 hour in a transport that kept braking down.

She in fact was in Norway fighting the American ranger squads trying to blow up the trains. Her skills as a sniper had really developed well, a keen eye used in martial arts and her strength and physical fit body made her a prime candidate for such delicate, also the youngest sniper in the army.

“Lt. Melin Li, explain yourself on that outburst”

“You were attacking her too much; Sakura isn’t one for been put pressure on like that”

“Nor are you, I only had to remind you what happened in Beijing”

Although she was great now, she had a shaky beginning, having started service immediately in the battle of Beijing, 3 days after she was drafted.

“I’m aware of my duty, sir, and I'm well aware of my beginnings”

“Then remember this, Li. I don’t care what you think, as soon as this ordeal is over; I want you back in Norway”

“With respect sir, I would like to join Sakura’s squad; they need a person who can handle guns well”

“I need you in Norway, not here”

“Sir, my cousin and would-be sister in law needs my help, I’m no better then the other 2000 troops up there”

The general slumped back into his chair and spoke

“Okay then, you’ll have your squad, hell if they even pull it off, they’ll need a gunman or two”

“Aye sir, and thank you sir” Melin haste a salute and left for the door

“Alright, get out of my office, before I change my mind.”
Location: Sakura’s Quarters, camp SPARTAN
Time: 20:00 hours

The now major Sakura of the United Soviet Federated Republics Army crashed onto her bed, the stress of her nerves were at breaking point.

She wasn’t an army officer, she just wanted a normal life; then she became a card captor, and when she managed to get that over with, she was captured and began World War 3 because of that, then she got busted out and forced to be a solider. Life just wasn’t fun anymore.

Maybe it wasn’t that bad, being a solider. Sakura tried to figure out were she went wrong with her life, where she should’ve turned left instead of right. Were if it was right to become a card captor when she was 10 and not 20. Those questions always had about 10 more questions to answer.

Syaoran, Tomoyo and Meilin would be the major factors in those questions. Syaoran and Meilin would remain engaged to each other; Tomoyo would be still clinging onto Sakura like a lost dog. But one thing was for certain, 3 billion people would still be living.

Only Sakura could answer those questions. But it was hard. Tomoyo came to Sakura and sat down next to her.

“Still worried?” Tomoyo asked

“More then ever” Sakura responded “Syaoran-kun, shall we get to work?”

“I suppose, but what’s it going to achieve? I’ve never been taught about using the cards without the staff or sword”

“Hang on Sakura-Chan, didn’t you once say that you saw Clow-san use the cards without the staff” Tomoyo noted,

“That’s true, but only he could do it” Syaoran noted.

“Creator’s privilege I suppose” Sakura said.

“Can we sit on this” Naoko spoke,

“Sure, if you can give us an idea,” Syaoran spoke,

“Have you tried joint powers?” Naoko started to take her suggestions seriously.

“Joint powers, Sakura-Chan or I would need a sword or staff for that to happen”

“Funny I read in book once and it worked”

Everyone looked at her.

“This isn’t a storybook Naoko-san, this is reality” Syaoran spoke

Everyone looked at Syaoran just moments after he said that, partially Sakura. Then again he was right on the most part, its no dream.

Without any knowledge of the process, the USFR could only pre-determine that the world was done for, oblivious as it was their intention, Sakura couldn’t find a way to call the cards, and its times like these Sakura wish she had someone who at least knew how to crawl out of this one, alive at best.

Considering the facit of what was being asked, it was pretty simple; go back, change history, but its gets a whole lot more complex there. In the meantime, Sakura decided for a break at supper.

“Its useless, lets try and get some sleep” Tomoyo suggested.

“I suppose so, Syaoran you change first, Naoko, Rika, Tomoyo lets go out for his sake”

Syaoran was this time okay with the changing thing, and changed quickly into night gear, he left the room and let everyone else in, expects Sakura who waited for everyone to go in.

The building was well designed; every room was sound and microwave proof and as Sakura put it “Tomoyo’s ear proof”. This came to an advantage you only had to talk to someone about something,

“Are you going to change?”

“No, I’m going to look for your cousin; we need to talk to her”

“Then lets go” Syaoran lifted and put on his overcoat.

Sakura and Syaoran made their way to the lift when the doors opened, relieving Melin with an army bag, and her rifle slung over her solder.

Sakura stared “Meilin, we were just…”

“…Lets sit, ill explain everything” Melin ended the sentence.

Syaoran was off in a small room making tea for three people while Sakura and Melin waited. Both were hard at words as each other assumed the worst. Although for both sakes, they were more then pleased to meet each other again, although the mood didn’t fit in well.

“So, Meilin…uh…um…”Sakura lost for words.

“I understand too, I have many questions to ask, so please ask me also”

Sakura silently looked at Melin’s steel expression of tiredness, obliviously worn far across her 18 months as a sniper. Her body had white skin, something that she didn’t boast 2 years ago. Winter can do that to a women’s skin, and her heart. Although for very long Melin believed the Americans just finished Sakura off. Although it was like a ghost seeing Sakura, she knew that she was alive.

“How did you escape?”

Melin closed her eyes and started speaking


Location: Chinese controlled end of Hong Kong
Time: 14:00, 36th hour of the battle of Hong Kong

The smoking boulders around her tired self, made it difficult to move on towards the helicopter, she gave one finally push of energy, Melin looked to her left and down to the city, two bank towers had just collapsed, a full out fire was burning to the south east end meanwhile a aircraft carrier could be seen launching helicopters and from the side, small gun boats racing to the shore. She looked up at the helicopter pilot.

“I’m sorry; no magic, no ride!” the helicopter pilot yelled

He kicked her off the helicopter onto some bushes. Yellen complained and yelled for her to come, but it was too late. But almost say much as it was, Meilin ran after them until suddenly the first one exploded in the air. Melin looked up at the sky; two F-14 tomcats just came out of some kind of white wormhole. Suddenly 200 planes appeared out of nowhere started shooting at the ground, some planes were shot of the wormhole, but were burning badly, the last thing they could do was crash into buildings and cause more damage.

The helicopters tried to speed up over towards a mountain, but it was hopeless. An AV-8 harrier from a support carrier nearby the USS America picked them off with the twin rocket launchers; they blew up, and killed all the Li family.

Melin ran for a small bunker when she was blown backwards and force towards the edge of a 5 metre cliff onto a road. Her gripping lost and Melin fell onto a Chinese tank that was firing into the city, it was moving as well, Melin realised that this tank crew didn’t feel her falling onto them, held on until it reached what appeared, or what was now a station outpost, she rolled off the back and onto the pavement.

Hurting everywhere, Melin picked herself up and ran towards the building, inside she could see mortars firing down, and Melin rushed into a false sense of security, without warning, almost 5 blasts occurs in front of her, the heat of the blast was enough force to throw her back. Melin then landed into some bushes. Melin recomposed herself for a second and looked ahead, the smoke cleared a bit of what was now 4 posts of a building; it had been completely levelled and everyone murdered.


“Whaaa! Melin turned around to see a solider,

A South Korean Special Forces whom was heavily wounded, his right arm was gone, and blood covered the body. It was in itself amazing he was even alive at this point. The Chinese weren’t alone in the battle here. The English had set up a navy blockade, which only really was to buy time for the Chinese to get more army weapons down to Hong Kong; also it gave time to gather remaining Japanese and Korean soldiers to help. The entire 5th British fleet were hammered to every last man. It was now left for the Chinese to control to force a damaging blow on the United States.

“Kid, their calling a retreat, there’s too many of them...cough…take these and my ID, tell them I gave it to you”

The solider gave her an assault rifle and a sniper rifle and his Identification card, for a Captain in the South Korean Army.

“What’s your name by the way, kid”

“Melin Li, sir”

He didn’t respond. Melin didn’t take kindly, but he rested him down took his helmet and ran, with an assault rifle in hang, and the sniper rifle slung over her back. She couldn’t load it, so every shot counted. Melin just realised for a second what she was doing, she was climbed down the hilltops of Northern Hong Kong carrying a rather powerful assault rifle and a sniper rifle.

Melin thought that she should seek cover and start looking for this place the dead solider mentioned. Melin went behind a wall and kneeled down for a second. Firstly, she quickly figured out how to unload her gun. She pulled back a lever device on the top, which sprung forwards, it was strong, and Melin had to do it 3 times before she locked it into unload. The cartridge unloaded and dropped.

The case contained 14 bullets, not enough ammo to last a fire fight, Melin peeked up and saw a truck with a man lying on the side of the road, he was holding another rifle, but it looked effective. Melin ran towards the truck, and realised it was carrying ammo for guns, the rifle on the ground revealed to be the same one she had, Melin, copying the actions of a movie, grabbed the bullets and 2 cases, and ran into an alley way.

Melin had been a solider for 2 hours now, lugging an assault rifle, a sniper rifle and a helmet that doesn’t quite fit. She’d walked down about 2 kilometres, by now the Americans were close, and the Chinese should’ve pulled out by now, she’d be a lost cause. But when hope was fading, she suddenly heard a lot of firing going behind her.

“Move it, move it, we found another Korean!” a US marine yelled,

Melin rushed for the corner and realised that she’d stepped onto the street without looking, on the road, two Japanese urban assault jeeps were parked with about 12 soldiers getting out and readying to shoot the marine.

“Hey, kid, duck”

Melin jumped to the group. And turned around to face her assault rifle at the marine.

“Come back you Korean, you dirty pile of shi…”

The Japanese soldiers fired a hail of bullets into the unaware marine. He fell to the ground, he Japanese quickly spread out to the alley way she’d come from and recovered some gear from the marine. Melin was still on the ground trying to fire her rifle. It wouldn’t fire, only click. The sergeant or commander of the group moved up to Melin.

“You speak Japanese?” the sergeant of the group spoke out to Melin,

“Yes, please don’t shoot; I’m not a solider!”

Melin lowered her gun and handed it over; the sergeant inspected the weapon while Melin got up and tried to get a gripping of the ground.

“Its oblivious it wouldn’t fire, little girl, the safety lock is on. Where are you from?”

Melin wasn’t all too eager to joke around, the situation was already to dangerous for her to be standing where she is. American troops could be anywhere. The troops picked up the weapon and started back for their jeeps. Melin got in and clenched onto her rifle tightly. The jeeps rumbled as it crushed the debris on the ground. Melin peered out the back window towards an outpost burning; trucks that were used for transport were crushed by the burning wreckage of a helicopter. The jeeps continued going down until it came to what was a major freeway, on one side of the road; common everyday people were walking out of the city as soon as possible.

The disgusting smell of sewers were beginning to make there presence in a nearby treatment plant, blow to pieces from the shells fired miles away from a battleship in the harbour. There was in most aspects, the final step to getting north was a bridge, it crossed a river separating Hong Kong district to the rest of china. Fortunately Melin wasn’t there to see the explosion, the bridge was totalled. It had been completely destroyed, with an exception of a small middle section that had about 30 people on it. The river would to deep to simply swim in, many people decided to jump in, complete with possessions, no one survived.

The matters only got worst, helicopter gun ships from America were catching up, slowly destroying major facilities along the freeway out. It eventually would lead to the band of troops and refugees clambering onto the south bank of the river. The following was only an unspeakable mass murder. Melin rushed for cover under the vehicle she was in. it was almost out of fuel anyway. The resulting of what she was as plainly insane.

Three helicopter gun ships fired the machine guns at the ground, mowing down the people without any form of regard, cars exploded as their fuel tanks were hit with the hot lead. People ran scared but were chased down with a hail of bullets, Melin knew that the jeep could be hit and decided to run for the river, about 50 metres away. Melin grabbed her rifle and fired some rounds at the helicopter, turned and ran with northing but a rifle and the sniper rifle, the helicopter she shot at saw her and turned to mow her down.

Melin came to the edge, a 2 metre jump in an unknown deep river, she jumped and fell in the river, which was about 3 metres deep, but she was 5 metres out. Melin swam to the bank, which was about 1 metre deep. Melin ducked down held her breath for 5 minutes.

When she broke the surface, it was quiet, everything was quiet. Except something just felt different, it was a hunting feeling, worse then personal pain. Melin climbed up over the edge scanned the surface, Melin’s face just went white, and her arms were shaky and frail. As Melin dragged her body up and over the edge of the river bank, the nerves in hey body froze cold.

All three helicopters had crashed, and around them were thousands of people; dead or near to death, the smoke simmering and slating. Unknown to Melin, the nuclear devices had gone off in the centre of Hong Kong, stopping the invasion force and resulted in an EM pulse that knocked out the electrics on the helicopters. All crashing within minutes, but that wasn’t a fact Melin noticed, of all the people on the riverbank, even the helicopter crews, Melin was the only person left alive.

Melin, couldn’t do anything, she saw a piece of wood and a metal rod. She clamed down to the river and placed the wood on the water. It floated, now the ultimate test; Melin put took her rifle and took out the cartridge, and placed it into a backpack she found. She placed the gun on it and laid down on top of it, the sharp metal level for the cartridge reload poked into her thin stomach. She still had the sniper rifle, on her back, Melin then started to kick paddle her way across the river.

It was deep and filled with anything, it was cold and frozen her legs, the only way to keep warm was to keep them moving. Melin aimed for the midway point where the bridge still remained on its own little island. Nothing was there everybody was killed when the helicopters started to mow everyone down with the helicopter’s guns. Melin rested for a few minutes before she headed across the river again to the north side, when she finally landed on the shore, it was starting to get dark.

Melin who, because of the summer weather in Hong Kong; was wearing an afternoon outfit, traditional to the area. It didn’t prove well when in the water, degraded with blood, mud and dirt, Melin started to trek, barefooted and cold, carrying her rifle. And the small bag with some food, it was about 15 kilometres to the outpost. Not far, but it would be a miracle if Melin got there at all.

Throughout the night, she’d walked close to the freeway, the rain that came from the north, assured the winds pushed the radioactive material south into the sea. The damage had been done already, Melin was still distraught by what she saw, disturbed and mostly sick with the worst feeling of guilt. But the next morning left her even more hurt. As she walked over a hill, she noticed a smoke cloud, small but recent. It wasn’t a good site, the thick canopy of the forest left it hard to tell.

Melin travelled 15 kilometres, throughout the night, tired, hungry and cold, to find the aid station had been completely levelled. The buildings had been burnt to the ground, everyone massacred. Melin collapsed on the ground, the pit of living at this point was hopeless, and everyone she’d known was dead or dying elsewhere. Her family, expect for Syaoran was dead. Her life was doomed.

But at least it would be a quiet death. Melin lay down by a tree and started to sleep, until the sound of a helicopter started to interrupt her. Melin opened her eyes and saw, what was another helicopter; it wasn’t American, which meant it was her rescue. Melin grabbed her stuff and ran out into the open, attaching the attention of the search crew. It would’ve of been the first really good news she had in the last day, death and destruction rained in her brain and scoured.

The thing about humanity is its incredible image etched into the mind, Melin; saw a lot of that yesterday and today, her mind were set on the most powerful images that blew everything she knew apart. Then something that resembled her least used dream, a massive camp, the hoards of people were streaming towards it like ants going to their nest. It was amazing, and frightening at the same time. The middle square was the command centre of this massive tent city, surrounded by at least a million people living and re-organising themselves.

As the helicopter flew towards the main base she had to think of what could happen next, hopefully, that’d she be allowed to live happily her own life. The helicopters landed at the entry. Apart from the fact she claimed that she walked or ran from Hong Kong north to an aid station and hitched a ride to this camp, she was tired, hungry and outright distraught. But she was ready to face whoever it was that seamed to want to see her.

The tents were pretty crude, but at the best provided cover against the elements. The General was sitting at a desk drinking coffee. He had obliviously been thought hell and wasn’t happy with the result of the battlefield that Hong Kong had been turned into. He was the remarkable general Chang, fresh from the front lines of the south, he had heard of this single survivor, and wanted to see her.

Melin stood up and stayed still for a while. The General looked her over for a minute, a little disappointing, but it showed something of courage.

“You’re not really a soldier, but you managed to get here…after they blew up the bridge”

Melin nodded slowly, she was tired.

“What’s your name, little girl?”
“Li, Melin”

“The only non-magical member of the Li family…”

“…yes, it’s true”

The general wasn’t compensating about the war. A war on magic meant aiming the gun at earth; Melin was an example of that. She’d proven against all odds to get to this base, despite carrying a gun that she was afraid of firing.

“I want you Melin, to join us! You’re perfect for the cause”

“But, I’m no solider; I can do anything like that”

“Because I had to pick up your family, I lost 230 normal peoples lives, and 8 helicopters. I’m meant to protect the people of china, not a magical family that do nothing but cheat taxes and keep a secret life growing all kinds of weed!”

“But what can I do?” Melin spoke

“You haven’t got a family anymore, we know that you’re alone, but where are you going to go? Help us, but if you what to let everyone out there face the same fate as what happened in Hong Kong, if you don’t, then help us protect the rest of china”

“Then what do you want me to do?”

“Then here, corporal Li”

The general handed her a standard issue sniper rifle.

“You are pronounced for martial arts, yes?”

“You know that?”

“I know that you were a good at martial arts, but I also know that you’re now a solider, in the people’s army, there for, you will fight for your country, understood”

Melin had no choice, she had to rid her reputation as a Li and start afresh.

“Sir, yes sir!”

(End flashback)

Location: Sakura’s Quarters
Time: 23:58 local time

Sakura had slipped her way through her 6th cup of green tea when Melin finished her story, it was gripping, and for both Syaoran and Sakura to here what Melin had to do, it was a sombre and quiet moment of reflection. Sakura thought badly, she’d just been whacked over the head when she captured, Melin, had helicopters trying to mow her down. It was a wonder why she felt quiet after the meeting started.

But it, as much as Syaoran and Sakura didn’t want to say is, not getting closer to solving their problems. Sakura decided to give in for the evening thinking her sleep, hopefully something would come to her. Syaoran was doubtful. Sakura knew how to turn a desperate situation around and solve the problem, but this one is out of her hand.

Melin remained with Syaoran; Sakura respected her wishes and went to sleep. Having been away for 2 years must’ve been tough, on both of them Sakura thought to herself as she turned in for the night. Melin waited until the door was tightly shut before she breathed. She undid the collar and sighed. Syaoran was confused about this jester, not her own actions at all.

“I suppose you have a reason for wanting to talk to me in private”

“I do”

“There was more to your story, what happened later at the base for example”

“That’s true, but. I want to know about your past 2 years?”

“Well compared to you, I’ve done nothing but sit and stare at a wall”

Melin wasn’t happy with his replies, and most definitely could tell that Syaoran was been absent minded about Sakura.

“Dam it Syaoran-kun, why are you being so clear with me, I’m your cousin you idiot – you aren’t as nice around Sakura anymore, you didn’t protect her in that meeting, you didn’t even try…I had to pull my head out to save her”

Syaoran sat in awe struck in what his cousin was saying.

“Tell me Syaoran-kun, what are your feelings for Sakura-san?”

“My feelings? What about them?”

“You’re not the same anymore, even considering the reasons, what happened to your love for Sakura-san, you think that because you started world war 3 by accident, you could change your feelings”

“Melin-Chan, please listen to me”

Melin relaxed on the sofa, tired of waiting for answers.

“Sakura is special to me, but haven been through all of this, she is having doubts, which made me think, would it eventually workout right?”

“Marriage or love: which one bothered you the most?” Melin asked,

“Love; Eriol died as a result of taking the bullet for Tomoyo, I didn’t die protecting Sakura, I could’ve fought on, but I didn’t, I was afraid of been shot, I failed Sakura”

“You did fail her, you couldn’t have done worse damage if you failed her in the final battle with Eriol, and you could’ve done massive damage not saying your true feeling back then”

“That was 6 years ago Melin-Chan, this is now; the now of 3 billion deaths in 2 years, a major war breaking all the records of indecent acts against mankind.”

“That’s your main problem, you needed some reason to say something, you couldn’t say it in school, or when yo two were alone, you were afraid. You need to stop being afraid to show your warm self, care for Sakura-san more, that’s what she taught you remember, if not for me, for Sakura-san?”

“I’ll try”

Melin got up and left the room leaving Syaoran to decide on something that he didn’t need to think about. There were more important things at stake and Syaoran wasn’t going to find the answers by thinking about his feelings and confused as well. He got up and went to bed fully clothed, having still some fears of Tomoyo’s exploits that were coming back to her, but it had been a tiring day, and it’s only going to get worse.
Location: Quarters level 2, sector B, Camp SPARTAN
Time: 02:00

Everone wast sleeping easy, one exception to the rule, like always, is Sakura who, thinking long and hard about the task, couldn’t stand it anymore. The very thought of failure now was a horrible stench that couldn’t be removed. The room was awfully cold that night, everyone was rugged, despite this, there was swear on her face. It was pushing some terrible feelings to surface.

Ii became unbearable, so she fell asleep again. Hopefully she wouldn’t get another nightmare like last time. Sakura had been in bed, tired and dreary trying to think of an answer to her problem. Ever Syaoran show his doubts that indeed meant a bad thing.
She kept tossing and turning until eventually Sakura fell asleep. Inside Sakura’s mind, everything suddenly felt different then normal. Sakura suddenly was deep asleep.

Sakura woke up, she wasn’t in Russia anymore. She looked around for a second; Sakura was wearing what she wore the night she was captured. Around her thought, everything was a scolding fire, burnt out houses, it was silent. Most if not all the buildings were blown apart. Most still stood, but were about to fall apart. Sakura didn’t know where she was or why she was here.

Sakura walked down the streets wondering where she was, until some landmarks came into view, in patriciate was Syaoran’s home, which was burnt out, the interior was a shard decay of burning rubble. Sakura instead turned around and started running as fast as she could, she kept running until she came to Penguin Park. All the trees were burnt, most were nothing but splinter wood on the ground. Sakura then bolted up the road towards her home.

Sakura then noticed something wrong, she was running 2 kilometres, but could still run the same speed if she travelled 50 metres. No short breath, no tiredness, it was defiantly a dream. Until she tripped over and hurt herself, it really felt like it hurt. Sakura then turned another corner and found her house. It was burnt out, but like most o the houses in the street, weren’t burned, and just badly damaged from bomb blasts. Sakura slowly walked up the steps at the gate. As she opened the metal gate, if suddenly fell off at the hinges.

She walked across the ground and towards the door; the area was covered with broken glass, tree branches and wood panels from her house. The door opened, it never was locked. The inside looked in reality good condition, but the disturbing site of bullet holes in the glass and walls, and the disturbing amount of blood on the floor, didn’t leave Sakura feeling so well.

She slowly walked up the stairs towards her room. Everything creaked, the floor the walls. The house was badly damaged, every single window had been broken, and every piece of furniture was tipped over or thrown out. The smell of the toilet backed up, the darkness of the rooms, no lights expect for the shadowy light of the moon filtering through. Sakura entered her room for the first time in 2 years, it was trashed. Everything in it was smashed; her desk had literally had a chainsaw put to it. Her chair and television set were outside on the grass below, both used to smash the windows. Her wardrobe was raided, everything left in a huge pile on her bed.

The floorboards, the ceiling and walls all were full of bullet holes. Glass and metal fragments were everywhere. Sakura went to her desk to filter through the pile of trinkets, until she found a smashed picture frame, it was a picture taken 4 years ago, it was the actual picture Tomoyo promised to take once Sakura caught and sealed the lost card. It was Syaoran and Sakura standing together alone, complete in battle costume. Tomoyo wasn’t all too impressed that Syaoran ripped his first battle costume that she made for him.

Sakura kept this picture next to others, ones from her card capturing days, but this one was the most valuable. She laid it down; the smashed glass was centred on her face. The other frames were snapped in two and laid on the ground. Sakura then felt she was being watched.

“It’ wasn’t like this, six hours ago…in fact, it was just like you left it.”

Sakura turned around to face a darkened stranger; he was covered in black robes and a massive hat, only one person came to memory that wore such an outfit.

“Who are you, and why am I here?”

The stranger took a pace forward until his hat was covered in the moonlight; Sakura walked backwards until she was backed up towards the window sill of the slanted window. The stranger then lifted his head up towards Sakura, revealing a shadow pale skin and the silver glass that shinned like the moon’s reflection in water. But it was all too familiar to Sakura, the voice of someone that was to him who looked so familiar.

“Eriol-kun or Clow?”

“Your senses are wise young mistress; I am he who created your density and I am here to help you again”

“Eriol-kun, what has happened here?”

“Simple, the American army has invaded Japan, by this point in time; Tokyo is evacuating its people, slowly. The America has the 5th fleet is shelling Japan’s primary naval and air defence stations. The army is quickly under attack, it’s starting to regain control of its forces, but there is nothing to control.”

Sakura turned and looked at a house across the street.

“What happened to these people, in Tomoda?”

“They were removed by force, 6 hours ago. In about 6 hours time, this will all be levelled by bombs, then to create Fort Dragon Air force base”

“That’s were I was in prison, which means…I never left Tomoda”

“You are somewhat surprised? Then again no war is a surprise anymore, this one has taken more lives, done greater damage then any other war in the history of humanity, and its only the beginning here”

“What can I do to reverse the damage?” Sakura asked,

“You must defeat the evil, and avenge all that stands for the future; you must help your allies now and stop your secret being used for evil, you’re the key element in what happens after that fateful day” Eriol pointed out of the window towards the destroyed city this is one reality…”

Everything around Sakura and Eriol became dark and became a dark void with their bodies emitting light, the cold chill surrounded Sakura from her empty and destroyed room, was slowly replaced with a warm breeze, slowly the light came back, but Sakura was now in a different place.

“…This is the other reality” Eriol finished his sentence

All around them was a massive hall with many dignitaries, many leaders of many countries, at the centre of this place was a round table with what seems to be the most powerful nations represented. And standing there, with her staff out and open for all to see were Sakura and Eriol, wearing something similar to the outfits that Tomoyo designed for her final battle with the void card.

“This will happen 2 months after the attack …You are representing the future of humanity, this the beginning of a new age for mankind,”

“Where are we thought?” Sakura pondered,

“This is a signing of the Moscow Treaty; it will make Russia, China, Japan and Europe fall under one main united government to prevent a repeat of what happened to you in this reality. This is the birth of the United Earth Federation.”

“But that’s impossible, in such a short period of time...”

“Because of the magnitude of events that you described and proved, the need for this federation was born”

“But how does this help when I’m stuck here, I can’t use my magic anymore, not without a staff…and I don’t have the power to use 5 cards without the staff”

“Sakura, you have a mindset saying you can’t achieve this. I know its looks tough but your have a certain magical gift that Clow Reed didn’t have that makes it easier then you think…”

Sakura looked up at Eriol,

“…your ultimate spell of spells”

Sakura thought long and hard about what he meant, until something clicked in her mind, something that’ll she said at the first judgement on Tokyo Tower

“I’ll be alright for sure” Sakura whispered slowly,

Eriol held his hand out and showed his key, it suddenly and brightly lit up and hovered above his hand. Sakura was amazed but wondered why it would fully open to Clow’s Staff.

“Sakura…the incantation, only you can open it!”

Sakura stepped forward and placed her hand above the glowing key and started to recite the incantation,

“O Key that hides the power of the dark…”

The key started to brighten into a powerful beam of white light. Her circle became a bright piecing gold radiance, forming around her with the combined power of Eriol and Sakura,

“…By Covenant, Reveal thy true form to me!”

The pressure of force inside Sakura started to build again, the paranormal forces around her started to force the staff to open. Sakura energy channelling started to strengthen the light and the circle, the entire body was weaker then before, but the strength of the key and the magic vibrating her nerves, 

“This Sakura Commands…RELEASE!”

The bright flaming ball of white light then exploded with the pinging noise of the key opening to the staff, the power of this energy exploded across the deep void they were surrounded by her, the ring started the create winds around her, the staff became a stronger light of power and began to reform into the staff made by Sakura at the Final Judgement on Tokyo Tower.

The Massive energy from the staff forced back into Sakura’s body, the power rejuvenated her body wounds in full health, and Sakura became the Mistress of the Sakura Cards again.
Location: Quarters level 2, sector B, Camp SPARTAN
Time: 04:00 local time

“Sakura!” Syaoran yelled at here a third time,

Sakura finally came to, by the looks of everyone, Sakura looked she was having a nightmare. Sakura sat up and looked at everyone, the room was dimly lit, everyone around her trying to figure out what was wrong with Sakura. After almost a minute breathing and calming down, Sakura finally started to speak.

“Eriol-kun…he came to me in a dream”

“What happened Sakura, you were struggling in your sleep for 10 minutes, then you started to violently toss and turn like you were been electrocuted” Melin spoke from behind Tomoyo.

Naoko and Rika decided to stand behind everyone at the end of the bed and let Tomoyo and Syaoran care for her. Tomoyo looked at Sakura worried at what might’ve happened to her if the Sakura didn’t manage to wake up. Syaoran sat on the bed at Sakura’s side, intensive on listening on what happened to her. He’s close keen on his eyes showed the appearance of concern something of a rarity from him.

Melin got up and carefully walked Towards Syaoran’s side to listen to Sakura speak.

“He…showed me the future and then he gave me my powers back”

“That’s impossible…Eriol’s Dead!” Naoko spoke from then end,

“Nothing is impossible, not with my spell it isn’t” Sakura spoke proudly “Tomoyo-Chan…”

Tomoyo attention snapped entirely to Sakura; half dazed, it made Tomoyo unable to think straight for a few minutes after Sakura suddenly woke. Eventually Tomoyo started to gain some energy to listen and respond, Tomoyo still tired started to speak sluggishly

“…Sakura-Chan? What is it?” Tomoyo placed her hand on her necklace, which was a string holding Eriol’s key, something that despite all odds, Tomoyo still carried on her.

Sakura pointed at the key and motioned Tomoyo to take it off. Tomoyo somewhat understood the notion and handed it over Sakura. Everyone stood up expect for Sakura who sat up in bed.

“Eriol said that this is my staff”

“Is that possible?” Syaoran spoke

“I dunno, magic isn’t my degree” said Melin,

“Sakura, could you open the staff, with your incantation?” Tomoyo spoke,

“Only one way to find out” Sakura body flung into full action, with restored strength.

Everyone took a step back and allowed her to get out of the bed. Instead, Sakura performed a barrel roll flip over everyone’s heads, kind of something Sakura did as a cheerleader. Everyone ducked down and Sakura to fly over them. Everyone including Sakura was in awe at the amount of energy she suddenly had in her body, especially after getting out of bed.

Sakura took no notice of the blinded stares of everyone around her; she couldn’t even start to explain it to herself, let alone to everyone. It was a felling of power in her body not encountered since when she first changed the staff to the star wand. Sakura look at Syaoran, and started to concentrate on opening the staff,

“Sakura, what are you doing!?” Syaoran spoke loudly to Sakura.

“I’m going to re-activate and convert Eriol’s staff to my power”

Syaoran stepped forward for a minute and attempted to prompt Sakura to not do such a foolish thing, but something stopped him…a feeling of trust between Sakura that he was experienced when the moment counted for them to work together.

“Don’t worry Syaoran-kun… I’ll be alright for sure”

Sakura suddenly stranded to glow a white luminosity that made her as bright as the brightest stars. Syaoran stood and looked at Sakura, he smiled for the first time in a long while, his trustful thought that Sakura could have in the most severe of circumstances, and that she be alright. Behind the group, the door burst open, in came the President with his advisors and several troops entered.

“O Key that hides the power of the dark…
…By Covenant, Reveal thy true form to me…”
…This your mistress Sakura Commands…RELEASE!”

The key lit up to everyone’s surprise; the circle that surrounded her lite up a bright glare of gold…a roar of thunder started to produce, and in credible light filled the room will bright light. The president came and awe witness Sakura’s full penitential power unleashed

“What is Sakura doing?!!!” The president yelled at them, both frighten and amazed at Sakura’s display.

“Sakura is activating Eriol’s staff! She now intends to renew” Syaoran quickly summed up

“O Key that combines the power of the stars; listen to my plea…”

A formidable light appeared over Eriol’s staff which held carefully by Sakura. Everyone else stood back as the wind form this powerful transfer of power started to become a danger to everyone standing around. Tomoyo looked on towards her Friend, apart of her saw something that she’d never seen in Sakura before, but it was renewing her faith in the future all the same,

“Staff Created by Clow, passing of former master.
 Discard thine former your old, and be reborn to your new
Under your new mistress, Sakura…RELEASE!!!”

The room became absolute white of little less then 3 seconds, when the light divided, Sakura held up her new staff, it was the star staff, but it was a mix between is regular design and the design that takes place when Kero and Yue combined with it in her final judgment battle with Eriol.

The winds started to die down a bit more, and with that helped Sakura Relive herself. The energy had almost all but gone from her. But she was still able to move quite well.

“Sakura-Chan! You did it!!!” Syaoran Yelled for joy,

“Card Captor Sakura is back!” said Tomoyo cheerfully

“We’re back in the fight! “Said Melin crossing her arms in grace,

“Card Captor Sakura?” Naoko and Rika both thought,

Sakura and Syaoran hugged for joy that her power had been renewed. And now was back better then ever. The president and his 2 advisors still dazed by Sakura’s rebirth into her magic. Sakura looked at the Russian President, who tried to shake off the after effects of witnessing something that he could compare to the flash bang of a Nuclear weapon. Sakura walked towards the President, but the Guards became sacred of her and promptly aimed their guns up at her.

Sakura stepped back as did Syaoran and Tomoyo. Melin was angry at that action and wanted to stop them, Naoko and Rika were simply too confused and quietly stepped back a notch. The president slammed the rifle one solider held out of his hand and onto the ground. Sakura was not confused and stood forward.

“Sir, I’m ready” Sakura looked at Tomoyo, Melin and Syaoran “We’re ready”
Location: Command Room A; Camp SPARTAN
Time: 07:00 local time

Sakura and her friends entered the briefing room with more confidence; Sakura kept her staff in the key mode and hung it around her neck. Tomoyo was much brighter then yesterday, this morning was a good day for everyone. Syaoran was still tense, but was ready to follow into battle once again. Melin was absent from the meeting for some reason, But Naoko and Rika managed to show up. The meeting had all the generals and officials that were at the meeting last night.

“Good morning, Gentlemen… and ladies,” the president started the meeting,

“She was lucky to get her way; I want to see this magic myself” General Chang still not convinced that Sakura had managed to rebirth her own magic.

Sakura reminded quiet while the commanders at the table yelled at each other, the entire staff then saw the Security video in the quarters that was turned on when heat from Sakura’s magic triggered a weapons fire alert. Sakura was keen to let the argument go to a stand still battle between the single general and the rest of the command leadership.

When the argument was finally settled, the president began.

“Sakura, the activation of your magic is the best news on camp today, now we must prepare for you’re the final battle that intend to win; Sakura, Tomoyo, Syaoran, Naoko, Rika; Operation Last Chance.”

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