Bratzillaz cheap doll eyes hack

 photo bratzillazcheapdolleyes-vert-horz.jpg
1 – Purchase “Eyeball” Bracelet from the bay for $1 + 3 weeks waiting time
2 – Yank out the eyes with pliers (doesn’t matter if sides of the eyeball are damaged)
3 – Cut the sides of the eyes down to match the Bratzillaz eyes
4 – Heat up the eyesockets with a hairdryer and insert new eyes using a screwdriver with the tip wrapped in a sock (to protect the face)

The bracelet can be found searching worldwide for “eyeball/evil/5/blue eye bracelet, there are also brown eyes available by searching for “eyeball coffee earring”. A set of 4 pairs of eyes in different colours is available too by searching for 5mm eyes.