Barbie “Wonkette”: Success! Décoden caulk in plain white with AB coated 1mm glass beads and 2mm “micro diamonds” sharp facetted AB coated glass. Doesn’t shed. …

Barbie “Wonkette”: Success! Décoden caulk in plain white with AB coated 1mm glass beads and 2mm “micro diamonds” sharp facetted AB coated glass. Doesn’t shed. …
So see the create a monsters up there? one is wearing a draculaura leg and another has lagoona arms (and bits from a clone spider …
Teflon tape is one of the more important tools in a doll collectors arsenal, it’s a tape that won’t melt plastic or degrade and that …
Temporary method: Wrap durable elastics (the type taken off stock dolls and their packaging) around the leg at the foot then gently roll them up …
This is a classic no sew ribbon skirt with pieces taken from 10cm fabric roses knotted in first then ribbon added in between. It was …
Working on earrings today with my “tiny treasures” collected from the under $1 ebay auctions over the years. I’m using plastic earring backings that can be bought for a dollar for a 100 and gluing 4-6mm flatbacks and findings to them with e6000The fruit earrings are made from slices of fimo canes cut with a craft knife to about 1mm – not the precut nail art because while that’s perfect for nails it’s too flimsy for doll earrings.
You can cut the stems to size or add silicone backings to secure them to your doll
This is 80’s – early 90’s Steffi by Simba
Like many Simba fashion dolls she comes on a body with a large spherical neck knob like this:
Which means that when you rebody her on standard fashion doll bodies modelled on Barbie, her head is too low down on the neck:
Enter Fakie who’s neck fits but who has terrible face paint, we’re going to cut out her neck with a craft knife and whittle that down until it fits in Steffi’s neck hole.
Here’s neckless Fakie and her whittled down neckhole fitting neatly on Barbie’s neckpeg:
Now using tweezers or a toothpick to push down the sides we insert the fakie neckhole into the Steffi neckhole – Ta da! As you can see, it holds well but you can glue it if you want it to be a permanent fix.
And here’s another fakie with a smaller neck grafted into Midnight Magic so she can fit on a monster high body
1/ First I sew the hem on the fur fabric as this will need to be brought forwards for choppy or patchier areas. Remember to …
I bought these Midnight Magic dolls from Aliexpress in september and almost gave up on them but kept trying because well, glitter transparent bodies are …
I finished the wigs from the commission catastrophe*! I angrily cut out every last piece of every last scrap of fur with tiny scissors over …