I havn’t spent any money from mid september onwards because I’ve got to sell custom work that’s accumulating instead, I’ve been too tired to list …

I havn’t spent any money from mid september onwards because I’ve got to sell custom work that’s accumulating instead, I’ve been too tired to list …
Here’s a fakie body who’s leg peg snapped (I forgot to check and cut open the plastic hinges before trying to pose her) I used …
If you do not have the exact same glue, do not follow the same instructions or wait times. Watering down your glue may lead to …
Another dollarstore ebay review: The $2 body aka “doll toy no head” or the pale fakie body without the torso joint. Ok where to start? …
From Ebay China. A few years back a chinese seller had these black glasses at $1 per pair and I bought several for my Barbies. …
Some quick Hobbit vs Bellybutton Barbie body comparison photos while I have these two ladies on hand with their cool contrasting legs. Arm and leg …
What to expect when you get off-brand barbie shoe packs + more shoe related info.
I’ve tried all sorts of things over the years for displaying my tiny toys: slotted cardboard to make squares, cardboard steps that didn’t hold up, …
Froggystuff posted an excellent quick doll wig tutorial, see it here. Here’s how to make it seamless: After following the previous tutorial, ¤ Use an …
To make a head band for your doll you will need: Wire from a used spiral bound notebook or thick beading wire. 4mm and 3mm …