I finished the wigs from the commission catastrophe*! I angrily cut out every last piece of every last scrap of fur with tiny scissors over …

I finished the wigs from the commission catastrophe*! I angrily cut out every last piece of every last scrap of fur with tiny scissors over …
Now, most of you probably know about repurposing those little keychain/bag ball chains to make a necklace for your dolls but it can get really …
What to expect when you get off-brand barbie shoe packs + more shoe related info.
The hair required quite a bit of work, I seperated out the pieces and worked on them one by one. Illiana’s tinsel was removed with …
1- Purchase dollar store faux fur fingerless gloves or cuffs (or search ebay for “fur” with free shipping, worldwide, under $1.50) 2 – Unpick the …
Monster Highs don’t have much in the way of casual trousers so here’s how to turn a pair of cheapy barbie sized trousers into nice …
Fake bratzillaz from aliexpress. $6 each with free shipping. Jade with new brown eyes. Meygana spelled “Meygarya” on the package with blue and pink hair. …
1 – Purchase “Eyeball” Bracelet from the bay for $1 + 3 weeks waiting time 2 – Yank out the eyes with pliers (doesn’t matter …
Quick tutorial on how to find eyes for your bratzillaz and swap them. I know this has been done before but I couldn’t find the …