Some work in progress photos to illustrate how I’ve recently done reroots on dolls with holes in their heads (2 barbies with scalp holes …

Some work in progress photos to illustrate how I’ve recently done reroots on dolls with holes in their heads (2 barbies with scalp holes …
If you do not have the exact same glue, do not follow the same instructions or wait times. Watering down your glue may lead to …
Now, most of you probably know about repurposing those little keychain/bag ball chains to make a necklace for your dolls but it can get really …
Slice, gently scrape, then sand down those pesky fins/crests. Ta da! A seamless, easy to dress, pink body! * Use your craft knife carefully to …
What to expect when you get off-brand barbie shoe packs + more shoe related info.
The parts from both bodies are not interchangable. Create a Monster limbs do not fit in either body’s sockets. Grid underwear types work well as …
From aliexpress: ‘spider monster doll’ (no box or fitting clothes) 1905328394 – $9 including shipping. Also available on €bay at $18 Her body is well …
Pink pastel crayon + Q-tip + sealant
1- Purchase dollar store faux fur fingerless gloves or cuffs (or search ebay for “fur” with free shipping, worldwide, under $1.50) 2 – Unpick the …
Use wire cutters, a hacksaw and pliers to hack off the arms and legs from a clonezilla body Saw down the hip attachment pegs to …